Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My personal view on the Perak political storm

I, a pure bred Perakian is deeply saddened by the political outcome in Perak. Surrounded by so many surprises, inclusive of the decision of my beloved and most respected Sultan of Perak, I can't believe the excellent government of PR-led Perak state government collapsed overnight, not because of a vote of no confidence to our MB, not because of the Sultan dissolves the State Assembly, but it is because of a new trend of independant supporting another party to form a state government.

Be honest, I'm not a lawyer and not well verse with laws, but is it logic for BN to form a new government when they have the same number of seats in the State Assembly as PR? Those independants are still independant, doesn't belong to any political party. What happened if one day the woke up at the wrong side of the bed and say I want to go back to where I was? Another government change??

I personally felt the storm because it involves my own ADUN from Jelapang, Hee Yit Foong. Why she wants to do that? It is really a shameful act!! As she has publicly declared out of DAP and PR and already attended the PC by our DPM, though she doesn't really smile like others, but nevermind, I think we can understand why she was like so sad, at least she suppose to be bold enough to come back and explain to her constituency.. I really challenge her to do that... we need an explanation!!

My prayer is always to have a truth and righteous Perak government, and I thought we already have one after the March-8 election but now I'm not so sure. What I got to say now is Pakatan Rakyat, you guys have done a great job. The truth will prevails... Only truth will set us free!! Let's see how BN and the 3 "BN-friendly" independants (Nonsense!!!) fair with their new undertaking state government.

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